1. 2021

    DEC 15

    수출 두드림기업 지정 (중소벤처기업부)
    Designation of Export Do Dream Company by Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    DEC 10

    지식재산 경영인증 (특허청장)
    Intellectual Property Management Certification by Patent office

  2. 2021

    DEC 15

    수출 두드림기업 지정 (중소벤처기업부)
    Designation of Export Do Dream Company by Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    DEC 10

    지식재산 경영인증 (특허청장)
    Intellectual Property Management Certification by Patent office

    NOV 22

    기술혁신형 중소기업(Inno-Biz) 인증 (중소벤처기업부)
    Technology innovation SME (Inno-Biz) certification by Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    OCT 20

    CE 인증 획득 (STP)
    CE Certification Acquisition by STP

    MAY 20

    품목별 원산지인증수출자 인증 (관세청)
    Acquired Certificate of Product-Specific Approved Exporter by KOREA CUSTOMS SERVICE.

    APR 12

    글로벌 IP 스타 기업 선정 (경북지식재산센터)
    Global IP Star Company Selection by Gyeongbuk Intellectual Property Center

  3. 2020

    DEC 23

    수출유망 중소기업 지정 (중소벤처기업부)
    Designation of promising export SMEs by Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    NOB 30

    소재·부품·장비 전문기업 확인 (한국산업기술평가관리원)
    Confirmation of companies specializing in materials, parts, and equipment by Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, KEIT

    JUL 23

    기업부설연구소 인정 (한국산업기술진흥협회)
    Certification of corporate research institutes by KOITA

    JUL 07

    벤처기업 인증 (중소벤처기업진흥공단)
    Certification of venture companies by Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation

    MAY 25

    뿌리기업 확인 (국가뿌리산업진흥센터)
    Confirmation of Root Company by National Root Industry Promotion Center

  4. 2019

    DEC 27

    위험성 평가 우수사업장 인증(한국산업안전보건공단)
    Accreditation of excellent workplace for risk assessment by Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency

    DEC 24

    경영혁신형 중소기업(Main-Biz) 인증 (중소벤처기업부)
    Management innovation type Main-Biz certification by Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    DEC 17

    CLEAN 사업장 인증 (한국산업안전보건공단)
    CLEAN workplace certification by Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency

    NOV 11

    사업장 내 창고 증축(330㎡)
    Expansion of warehouse in the workplace (330㎡)

  5. 2016

    AUG 02

    벤처기업인증 (중소벤처기업진흥공단)
    "Certified as a venture firm by Korea SMEs and Startups Agency(Expiry date : AUG 02, 2016 ~ AUG 01, 2018)"

    JUN 30

    연구 개발 전담부서 설립 (KOITA)
    Organized an division of technology research and recognized as company's lab division by KOITA

    JUN 29

    품목별 원산지인증수출자 인증 (관세청)
    Acquired Certificate of Product-Specific Approved Exporter by KOREA CUSTOMS SERVICE. (Expiry date : JUN 29, 2016 ~ JUN 28, 2021)

    APR 15

    플라스틱 스트랩 공구용 신제품 출시 (PST-32, PFS-16, PFS-19)
    Launching and mass production of new product for plastic strapping tools(PST-32, PFS-16, PFS-19)

  6. 2014

    DEC 03

    창고동 증축, 사무실 및 공장 개선
    New construction of storage building and renovation of office and factory.

    AUG 31

    PET 밴드용 결속기 신제품 출시 (PSS-19)
    Launching and mass production of new product PET strap sealer. (PSS-19)

    MAY 07

    PET 밴드용 결속기 신제품 출시 (PSS-25)
    Launching and mass production of new product PET strap sealer. (PSS-25)

    APR 22

    사우디아라비아 GATCO와 독점계약 체결
    Exclusive contract with Saudi Arabian company GHAZI ABDULLA AL-ATTAS & SONS TRADING CO.

  7. 2012

    JUN 11

    품질 및 환경 관리 시스템 인증 (ISO9001, ISO14001)
    Certification of the quality and environment management system. (ISO9001, ISO14001)

  8. 2009

    MAR 04

    장근철 대표 입사 및 대표 취임
    Employment of Keunchul, Jang and inauguration of CEO Keunchul, Jang.

  9. 1997

    MAR 03

    해외 수출 판매 개시
    The beginning of oversea exportation.

  10. 1995

    JUN 03

    현재 사업장으로 신축, 확장이전(경산 제1산업단지)
    Relocating and expanded to the current location. (Gyeongsan city industrial complex)

  11. 1988

    NOV 01

    대구 동구 신암동으로 신축, 확장이전, 상호변경(삼성하조기) 및 현 대표의 부친 장일만 대표 취임
    Relocating and expanded to Shinam-Dong, Daegu, modification of the company's name to Samsung Packaging Co. inauguration of CEO Ilman, Jang

  12. 1969

    JUL 01

    장영조 대표 ‘삼성공작소’ 설립 (현 대표의 조부)
    Foundation of the Samsung Workshop by Yeongjo, Jang. (the grandfather of the current CEO)